Every business do need shopping bags to provide their customers to carry their goods as well as promote their business images and brands,Shopping bags have many variety, options include paper shopping bags,plastic shopping bags,non woven shopping bags.No matter what kinds of shopping bags,every years in retail packaging field a huge amount of shopping bags are consumed.Many years ago because plastic shopping bags are very cheap and easy to mass production, plastic shopping bags were very popular. But more evidence indicate that plastic shopping bags are not benefit to our environment.In fact in many countries those discarded plastic shopping bags had become a "white" pollution to harm our environment: The real problem with plastic pollution in the world is that it never, ever, degrades .It is more or less invisible to the naked eye, and is more immediate than anyone thought. Plastics in landfills emit greenhouse gases which trap heat and contribute to Global Warming. It is the increase in mean temperature of Earth due to increase in green house gases in the atmosphere. They increase the frequency, duration, and intensity of floods, droughts, heat waves, and tornadoes. As further effects of global warming, diseases like malaria are returning into areas where they have been extinguished earlier. So we should take some steps to reduce the usage of plastic shopping bags and switch to eco friendly shopping bags.
Before we choose what shopping bags are eco friendly,we should make certain the meaning of eco friendly. Eco friendly means goods are no harm to our environment. Although there are no definition standard now what is eco firenly shopping bags,usually we think following characteristics are known as eco friendly: reusable,recyclable,bio degradable.So we can find eco friendly shopping bags based on those characteristics among huge variety of shopping bags.
According to the concept of eco friendly shopping bags,non woven shopping bags,white kraft paper bags and brown kraft paper bags can meet that standard. Because they are made from recyclable and bio-degradable material, and all them can be re-used many times even last for year. So we call them as eco friendly shopping bags.But we think Brown kraft paper bags with twisted paper handle are the best choice for people who do care about our environment.
Brown kraft bags with twisted paper handle are 100% made from brown kraft paper which is recyclable and bio degradable. It means even discarded brown kraft paper bags are not recycled, they can degradate in nature--no harm to our environment. And brown kraft paper bags are easy to produce in a large quantity, resource consumption is the lowest in per brown kraft bag. Brown kraft paper is sturdy and easy to be manufactured bags in any size and shape to fit different ends.No matter what goods you want to carry, you can find a right brown kraft paper bag to meet your requirement, as well as benefit our environment. To select brown kraft paper bags is an important step to protect our environment.
We believe that a step, however small it is in its size and scope, towards the right direction will ultimately culminate in a bigger action. Having witnessed the mass abuse of plastics and its cancerous damage to human health and to the environment, we started wondering how we can put in our effort to save the environment instead of lamenting on the destruction already caused by us. Hence came the idea , which may not be a perfect solution but we do believe that we can arrest the further deterioration of the destruction by just changing the way we carry our day to day needs by switching over to eco friendly shopping bags..
As paper bags manufacturer, JinDian Packaging specialize in manufacturing eco friendly shopping bags,more information please visit www.jdpackaging.net to get detail.